My work in Cold Moon Journal
John J. Dunphy
Valentine Day
blooming in our front yard
a heart of crocus
Cold Moon Journal
slowly sinking
into the thawing pond
our Christmas tree
Cold Moon Journal 2/12/21
tree stump
the drought years pelted
by raindrops
Cold Moon Journal 2/9/21
front yard
child puts on
her face mask
as she approaches
our snowman
Cold Moon Journal 1/16/21
a single ornament
on the Christmas tree
in a ditch
Cold Moon Journal 1/10/21
walking my dog
tonight’s dusk scented by
burnt leaves
Cold Moon Journal 12/13/20
public park
I enter
a portapotty
accompanied by
blown leaves
Cold Moon Journal 12/12/20
deserted ranch
the corral fence bounded
by a sagebrush
Cold Moon Journal 11/15/20
used-book store
its dusty true-crime section
covered with fingerprints
Cold Moon Journal 11/5/20
homeless encampment
returning children share
their trick or treat candy
Cold Moon Journal 10.30.20
drawing water
in the well bucket
an eyeless fish
Cold Moon Journal 10/3/20
homeless encampment
hanging from the dead tree
a birdhouse
Cold Moon Journal 10/10/20
Veterans’ Day
panhandler points to
his Purple Heart
Cold Moon Journal 10/15/20
John J. Dunphy’s poetry collections include Zen Koanhead, Stellar Possibilities, Touching Each Tree, pagan rites, Old Soldiers Fading Away and Dark Nebulae.